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Springtime Pet Safety Tips

Spring Safety tips for pets

Ahh, springtime. A welcome relief after a long, cold northern winter. It’s a time for rejuvenation. The snow is melting, the flowers are in bloom, and you can’t wait to get outside for some quality playtime with your pets. 

With the warmer weather, though, also comes a long list of potentially dangerous elements for your fur-babies.

But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here are some tips to keeping your pets safe, happy and healthy this spring.


Reviving the garden is good for the mind and body. But some foliage can be down right toxic to your doggo. In fact, there are more than 50 types of garden plants that could be dangerous to your dog. 

For a list of poisonous plants and flowers, check out the Ontario SPCA’s factsheet.


As the flowers begin to bloom, bees begin to awaken, too. Keep an eye on Fido & Fluffy to make sure they don’t get stung, or worse, swallow a bee!

Fleas & Ticks

Springtime is flea and tick season. Ensure you’re taking the proper precautions to fight these dangerous parasites. And if you’re out for a stroll in the woods, check your pup for ticks before re-entering the home. 

If you spot a tick, grab hold of it with tweezers as close to the skin as possible and pull it straight out. Twisting can cause the tick’s head to become lodged under your pet’s skin. That can cause infection. 

Easter Treats

Be wary of hiding Easter eggs where your pet may find them. Chocolate and other sugary, fatty foods can be toxic to your pets. 

If you do want to have a good old fashioned Easter egg hunt, hide treats where your pets can’t get to them. Or hide them in plastic egg containers your pets aren’t likely to eat.

Melting Ice

As the sun begins to melt the ice, it becomes dangerously thin. What may appear as strong, thick ice may actually be a disaster waiting to happen. Avoid all rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, or any other body of water that was frozen in the winter. 

If your pet goes through the ice, he could become trapped and become hypothermic, or worse, he could drown


Most of us have some degree of springtime allergies, and that goes for our furry pals, too. The most common springtime allergies are caused by mold, pollen and insect stings

Most allergies aren’t life threatening, however, bee stings can cause anaphylactic response. If you suspect your pet is having an anaphylactic response, call your vet immediately. 

To ease other allergy symptoms, try over-the-counter antihistamines, topical creams, or an oral medication prescribed by your vet.

RELATED POST: Pet Allergies: Types, Symptoms & Treatments

Wildlife Encounters

Springtime is the mating season for most wildlife. That means there will be a lot more animals who are hot to trot!

When hormones are raging, animals can become more aggressive. What looks like a friendly pup could be a frisky fox or coyote. And what looks like a cute little kitty could be a randy little racoon.

Keep a close watch for any wildlife when you’re out for your walks, and bring your pets inside at night to keep them safe.


Dogs and cats both like to eat grass. Normally, that’s nothing to worry about. But in the springtime, plenty of people spray their lawns with pesticides, most of which contain toxic chemicals to kill unwanted bugs. But when your pet gets into those chemicals, it can cause seizures, vomiting, and even death

When you’re out and about, watch for signs in the grass warning of harmful pesticides and steer clear. 

If you plan to treat your own lawn, opt for pet-safe pesticides.


Wild mushrooms can be harmless. But there are just as many that could be toxic to your pets, causing tummy issues like vomiting and diarrhea. Give your backyard a quick once over and pick any mushrooms you see, just to be on the safe side.

Yowzers! There’s some pretty scary stuff out there in the wild. But you’ve got this. Now that you know what to watch out for, you can safely head out with your pets to savour the warm sun and breathe in the crisp spring air. 


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